Cedar Valley Linux Users Group

The Cedar LUG is a place for discussions related to Linux and Linux related topics. This groups is a club representing the University of Northern Iowa. However, meetings are open to any community members wishing to participate.


You can see projects we're working on as a group including this site by visiting our gitlab @cedar-lug.

Our projects are all open to contribution regardless of skill level. Please feel free to use this as a resource for learning about open source software contributions.


What We Do?

Cedar LUG does not limit itself strictly to GNU/Linux only discussion. In the past we have had members participate in the Cyber Defense Competition, host game servers for a LAN event, and build-a-thons where we put together Linux machines.

Along with these events we also have bi-weekly meetings where we either have discussions about upcoming events or have a presentation about a GNU/Linux related topic.

See Past Discussions See Upcoming Events